

Zambas Law Firm provides expert advice and guidance with regard to Cyprus tax system and on tax issues such as international tax planning and tax disputes. With our wide expertise and experience we are able to recommend the implementation of tax affective solutions based on international double tax treaties and bilateral agreements. 

Cyprus is one of the most attractive locations worldwide of doing business, acquire property or retire mainly due to its tax law regime

  • A uniform corporate tax rate of 10%  - the lowest in Europe.
  • Extensive network of double tax treaties.
  • Dividends can flow through the Cyprus entity totally tax free.
  • Probably the most favorable holding company jurisdiction.
  • Reasonable company incorporation and operating costs.
  • No withholding tax on dividends.
  • Able to register for VAT purposes.
  • Exemption of estate duty on inheritance shares.
  • Low income tax for expatriates.
  • Advantageous tax system for pensioners.

The aim of our professional staff is to assist our clients in structuring their international cross-border activities in the most tax-efficient manner.